3 min readDec 10, 2021


By Josh Hild on

To the dreamers, the visionaries, the misfits, the rebels and the mavericks! To everyone challenging the status-quo on a daily basis, to chase after their dreams, breakthrough barriers, or go the extra mile. Look up. Look at the horizon. Do you see what we see? Something is brewing. Something, that has been among us for quite some time, but is now taking a new shape, morphing into our wildest dreams. It whispers revolution, a world with no limits.

What this revolution is about!

Some of us. grew up on the internet, witnessing the computer age and its acceleration into the digital spaces. From the very first semi-conductors to personal computers to Playstation, Xbox, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Netflix… we have made technology in all its forms an integral part of our lives and human experience.

The human experience, which for ages revolved around trading, playing and telling stories to stimulate our imaginary minds. With that in mind, we all can agree, that our DNA is becoming increasingly digital, but we still seek the human connection that helps us form communities. We have carried our natural traits and instincts, the signs of our humanity, from our ancestral times to the present, and have placed them at the core of our technological advancement, resulting in none other than – The Metaverse!

Now take a second, close your eyes and let loose, forget all the buzzwords like Blockchain, Crypto, Bitcoin and NFT as well as any other stigmas you have against this new technology. Now just imagine. A world we all coexist in, where you can create with no limits, be yourself with no judgments, connect and feel with others just like you. Can you imagine it too? Isn’t the human curiosity and imagination amazing? 🔥

With the Metaverse, we find ourselves transitioning into a “META PHY-GITAL WORLD“ that holds unnumerable new and vast opportunities we have yet to discover. A world, in which the sky is not the limit anymore, but our imagination is.

ARCADIA Spaces Logo

This very essence brings us together. A common vision, a vision so big and strong, uniting us from opposite corners of the globe, under the name ‘ARCADIA Spaces’. We are Third-Culture Kids based in South Korea and Germany.

What we are seeing at the horizon is a world that transcends gaming, fashion, art and cultural barriers. It is a place where everyone belongs. A place where everyone can break free from the monotonous, traditional economic system encouraging self-sacrifice for survival.

To challenge the status-quo, we embarked on a mission! A mission to boldly enter this new world with you! Yes, YOU! A community of multi-disciplinary creators, innovators, developers, thought-leaders and team-players, who are driven by the fire to lay the foundations for the Metaverse with righteous values for the next generating to inherit. Together we can envision and innovate. Let’s join hands to give a form to the unseen and shape the beauty it might become.

The next steps…

Our first step is the release of a 3777 NFT Christmas collection called ‘Boujee Santa’ (Pre-Sale 18/19.12 and Public Sale from 20.12). Why Christmas? Well, every day in the Metaverse should feel like Christmas for our community, because there is always a good reason to celebrate pretty much anything. Join our Whitelist or Giveaways now! Further collections are planned and in the works. Bigger projects are on their way. We can‘t wait to distort reality with you! Ready, when you are!




Visionary assets ranging from fashion, to furniture and other digital collectibles for the #Metaverse!🚀 Hottest NFT-Drops! ➡️Join & create with us on Discord!